Authors Guidelines

Title/Heading The title or heading should be relevant to the subject matter and should not deviate from the details of the work.

Author Affiliation

The respective author's full name, department/institution/university, and city should be included in the article.

Corresponding Author

The full name, department/institution/university, city, state, country, telephone, fax, and email of the corresponding author should be provided.


The abstract should be concise, comprehensive, and self-explanatory, providing a summary of the subject matter and the author's experiment findings. It should also highlight the significant outcomes and suggest potential future developments in the field.


Keywords should be listed in alphabetical order, separated by semicolons, and should be catchy and relevant to the subject.

Text includes the following

Introduction: This section should state the purpose of the research, discuss the findings of other studies, and provide a literature review.

Materials and Methods: This section should describe the research population or study sample, explain the method used for data collection, and outline the measures taken.

Results: The results should be summarized and presented using text, charts, graphs, and tables. Legends should be provided for tables, charts, graphs, and figures.

Discussion: This section should analyze the findings, explain their significance, and suggest future projects or research directions.

References: A list of works cited and used to support the research should be provided in alphabetical order.

Acknowledgement: This section should include acknowledgments to individuals, grant details, funding sources, and any conflicts of interest.

Preferably, the format should be in Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) or any other word processing software.

Journal's Approach to Plagiarism

The journal takes a firm stance against any unethical behavior, such as copying or plagiarism. Plagiarism is identified when substantial parts of a manuscript are taken from previously published sources. To ensure the authenticity of all submissions, we employ iThenticate/Turnitin software to detect plagiarism. Plagiarism encompasses copying another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without proper acknowledgment. Self-plagiarism occurs when an author reuses their own previously published work without appropriate references. If plagiarism is detected during the review process, the manuscript will be rejected outright. In cases of post-publication plagiarism, the Editor-in-Chief will investigate, potentially with the help of a dedicated committee. If plagiarism is found to be beyond acceptable limits, the author's institution and relevant funding agency will be informed. In instances of misconduct, a statement will be published online, linked to the original paper, acknowledging the plagiarism and providing a reference to the copied material. Additionally, each page of the PDF with plagiarized content will be marked, and depending on the severity, the paper may be retracted formally.

Peer Review Protocol

This journal uses a double-blind peer review system to maintain the integrity and quality of the review process. Two independent academic experts typically review papers in line with the journal's objectives. Policy experts may also be invited to provide additional reviews. Reviewers are expected to follow COPE ethical guidelines and report any misconduct to the editorial office.

Policy Overview: Article Processing Charges and Discounts

The International Journal of convergence in healthcare (IJCIH) is a non-profit organization that depends on Article Processing Charges (APCs) from authors to sustain its operations and uphold the journal's quality. Domestic authors are charged INR 5000 per article, while foreign authors are required to pay USD 40. These fees help maintain the journal's standards and contribute to its overall functioning. As an author, if you fall under specific categories such as being a student, lacking funding, hailing from a developing country, or holding an extraordinary status, you may request a discount or waived charges for the publication. To do so, kindly address a letter to the Editor-in-Chief, clearly stating your reasons for seeking a discount. Remember that the publisher's decision on this matter is final and binding.

Protocol for Withdrawing Manuscript

Our manuscript withdrawal policy aims to maintain publication integrity and fairness. Authors can withdraw before editorial decision, but post-review requests may need approval. Improper withdrawals may result in retraction notices to uphold journal standards.

For any queries or any discussions regarding manuscript withdrawal/article processing fee, please contact us at:

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Bank-AXIS Bank

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Account number-920020068450651

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MICR Code-110211297

RTGS/NEFT/IFSC Code (Please quote reference number)-UTIB000425