Effect of Backward Treadmill Training Versus Conventional Therapies to Improve Functional Mobility in Children with Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy
Spastic cerebral palsy, Body Weight Support Treadmill Training (BWSTT), Balance, Functional Mobility, Pediatric balance scale.Abstract
Spasticity in children can occur due to some disease process that affects upper movements. Neurons within the
central nervous system. Spasticity is a major challenge for rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. Spasticity
is defined as a speed-dependent increase in resistance as passive muscle stretching or associated inappropriate
involuntary muscle activity associated with upper motor neuron palsy. Spasticity can cause functional problems
in daily life activity (ADL) like walking, eating, laundry, toilet and the dressing.
The aim is to find the effectiveness of backward treadmill training vs conventional therapy in balance in spastic
diplegic cerebral palsy. The study design was an Experimental design with pre and posttest evaluation was done.
Subjects with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy were enrolled for this study.30 children with spastic diplegic cerebral
palsy who fulfill the selection criteria were selected for this study. Children were selected by using probability
sampling method and they were divided into two groups by using toss method. The study was conducted at an
out-patient department. The total study duration was 12 weeks. The selected spastic diplegic CP children would
be divided into two equal groups: Group A – control group/ conventional therapy group. Group B - Backward
body weight supported treadmill training along with conventional physiotherapy. This study proves that 12
weeks of backward walking supports body weight treadmill training program and usually exercise program
Indicated statistically Significant improvement in gross motor function and functional mobility when compared
to conventional therapy training program and usually exercise.