Effect of Neuro-Development Treatment with Roods Approach on Posture Control and Balance in Cerebral Palsy Children


  • Shraddha Prakash
  • Jv’n Vidhi Singh




Cerebral palsy, NDT, roods approach, muscle stimulator, rehabilitation.


Introduction: Cerebral palsy is a collection of permanent movement and postural impairments that limit activity
and are caused by non-progressive abnormalities in a foetus’ or child’s growing brain. In children with cerebral
palsy, neurodevelopmental therapy (NDT) and roods approach treatments are utilised individually to improve
postural control and balance (CP).
Aim: To study the combined effects of Neuro-developmental treatment (Bobath concept) and Roods approach
on postural control and balance in cerebral palsy children.
Methods: The study was comprised thirty children, divided into two groups, ranging in age from five to fifteen
years. NDT with Roods approach was given to the experimental group, while NDT with Muscle stimulator was
given to the control group for only 8 weeks. GMFM-88 was used to assess gross motor functions, PBS was used
to assess balance, MTUGT was used to measure posture control, and SPCM was used to assess posture control.
Results: There was significant improvement in the outcomes measures within both the groups individually while
between group analysis of outcome measures was not significant.
Conclusion: 8-week NDT based posture and balance training applied to children with cerebral palsy improved
their functional motor levelalong with postural control skills, however application of roods approach also has
been found effective in this study.

Author Biographies

  • Shraddha Prakash

    MPT (Neurology), Department of Physiotherapy, Sanskriti University, Mathura

  • Jv’n Vidhi Singh

    Phd Research Scholar, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University, Rajasthan


