A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme (STP) on Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Iron Deficiency Anaemia Among Antenatal Mothers of Selected Rural Area, Gulbarga


  • Nadia Khan




Mothers, Antenatal, Anemia, Iron deficiency, STP, Knowledge and Rural area.


Anemia is defined as decrease in Hb levels to below the normal range of 13.5 gm/dl (men), 11.5 gm/dl (women),
and 11.0 gm/dl (children and pregnant women). Very severe anemia is defined as an Hb level <4 gm/dl in
pregnant women; this is a medical emergency. Women’s health is central to the survival of the society. They are
pivot of the family, the nurtures of the next generation and care givers for elderly. To assess the knowledge of
antenatal mothers regarding prevention of Iron deficiency anaemia before administering the structured teaching
programme. Objectives of the study were To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on
prevention of Iron deficiency anaemia among antenatal mothers.To associate the pre-test knowledge of antenatal
mothers with selected socio demographic variables and H01: There will be significant difference between
pre-test and post-test knowledge scores among antenatal mothers H02:There will be significant association
between scores with selected demographic variables. Effectiveness of STP = O2 - O1, O1: Pre-test Knowledge
scores regarding prevention of iron deficiency anaemia , O2: Post-test Knowledge scores regarding prevention
of iron deficiency anaemia & X: Structured teaching programme on prevention of iron deficiency anaemia . As
for the overall pre-test knowledge scores is concerned, out of maximum score 40 it ranges from 14-29. The
median score is 20 and the mean ± SD is 21.26 ± 4.21.
Further, overall post-test knowledge score is concerned, out of a maximum score 40, this is ranging from 23-40,
where as the median is 31 and the mean ± SD is 31.73 ± 3.93.
Discussion: The present study confirms that the overall knowledge levels of antenatal mothers was significantly
low in the pre-test with the overall mean pre-test knowledge scores of 53.15% when compared to the mean
post test knowledge scores of 79.32% .
The study findings are consistent with the study findings of Donna sym who conducted a study on “Prevention &
treatment modality of swine influenza” which included 2 stages. Stage 1 was applied to determine the knowledge
of school students about using safety techniques to prevent swine influenza. Stage 2 consists of observation
of all students for 5 days and interventions students used for the prevention and treatment modalities of swine influenza. They concluded that students’ knowledge regarding Prevention & treatment modality of swine influenza is comparatively low.

Author Biography

  • Nadia Khan

    Asst Professor, OBG Department, Govt College of Nursing GIMS, Kalaburagi


