Effectiveness of Nursing Protocol on Knowledge and Practice among Nurses Regarding Surgical Site Infection and its Prevention Associated with Caesarean Section in a Selected Hospital at Kalaburagi


  • Anandkumar Dhummansur




Nursing protocol, Knowledge, Practice, Surgical site, Infection, Prevention, Caesarean section.


physiological process. Most of the time the women achieves normal pregnancy outcome without any complication.
But few women’s have Short stature, multiple pregnancy, cephalo pelvis disproportion, fetal distress, thick
meconium, and many more complication which can cause a suffering or risk for baby and mother by which a
women cannot deliver the baby normally. The term Caesarean section, also known as C-section, or caesarean
delivery, is the use of surgery to deliver babies. A study was conducted on incidence of surgical site infection,
A surgical site infection is increasing by 11%, 10. Surgical site infection (SSI) following CS is a common cause of
morbidity with reported rates of 3–15%. SSI represents a substantial burden to the health system including
increased length of hospitalization and costs of post discharge care.9The overall incidence of SSI following CS and
will provide the first quantitative estimate of the magnitude of SSI. It will serve as a benchmark for future studies.
Objectives: To assess the knowledge regarding surgical site infection and its prevention associated with caesarean
section among nurses using questionnaire. To identify the existing practice among nurses towards prevention of
surgical site infection associated with caesarean section using checklist. To evaluate the effectiveness of Nursing
Protocol in terms of Change in the level of knowledge among nurses regarding surgical site infection and its
prevention associated with caesarean section. Change in the level of practice among nurses towards surgical
site infection and its Prevention associated with caesarean section. To determine the association between
knowledge scores and practices of nurses regarding surgical site infection and its prevention associated with
caesarean section with selected demographical variables.
Hypothesis: H1. There will be a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test Knowledge score and Practices
score of Nurses regarding Prevention of Surgical Site Infections among Caesarean Section. H2. There will be a
significant association between Knowledge and Practice of the Nurses with regards to selected demographical
variables. Research approach: Evaluative and survey approach will be followed. Research Design: Pre experimental one group pre-test post test design will be adopted for the study. Setting of the study only teaching and general hospitals of Kalaburagi
district. Sample Size was 60 Nurses.

Conclusion: The Present study reveals that, There was no statistical significant difference of mean knowledge
score in the demographical profile of age, gender, working area and work experience (P>0.05). There was
statistical significant difference of mean knowledge score of respondents in the demographical profile of
educational status, infected control program and SOP’s implementation (P<0.05). B Sc, PPB Sc and M Sc qualified
respondents had significantly better mean knowledge score regarding surgical site infection and prevention of
SSI’s as compare to diploma qualified respondents. The respondents who had done Infection control program
and SOP’s Implementation had significantly better mean knowledge score regarding surgical site infection and
prevention of SSI’s as compare to the respondents who had not done.

Author Biography

  • Anandkumar Dhummansur

    Asst Professor, OBG Department, Govt College of Nursing GIMS, Kalaburagi.


