Potential Applications of Using Noninvasive Biomarkers to Predict Athletic Performance


  • Durgansh Sharma




Noninvasive, Biomarkers, Athletic Performance.


This study explores the potential applications of noninvasive biomarkers in predicting athletic performance
and their relevance to other fields such as agriculture and climate science. It discusses the impact of climate
change on global food security, focusing on the challenges faced by agricultural systems in adapting to changing
environmental conditions. It also examines the potential use of noninvasive biomarkers in agriculture to monitor
plant health and predict crop yields, as well as their role in climate science to study the physiological responses
of organisms to changing environmental conditions. The study further discusses various factors contributing
to food insecurity, such as extreme weather events, shifting growing seasons, and water scarcity. It examines
the importance of sustainable agricultural practices and technological innovations in mitigating the effects of
climate change on food production. Furthermore, it highlights the need for international cooperation and policy
interventions to address complex issues surrounding food security in the face of a changing climate. Overall,
this study emphasizes the urgency of proactive measures to ensure food security for future generations in a
rapidly changing world.

Author Biography

  • Durgansh Sharma

    School of Business and Management (MBA), Christ University, Bengaluru


