A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Planned Video Assissted Health Educational Programme on Knowledge of Health Hazards and its Prevention among Selected Sanitary Workers of City Corporation Kalaburagi District of Karanataka State


  • Sudhakar




Effectiveness, video assisted health educational programme, Knowledge, health hazards, prevention, sanitary workers & city corporation.


Sanitation workers are the backbone of the civic cleaning system. In a developing country, In India we have
approximate 5 million sanitation workers according to the latest data. Sanitary worker is a person responsible
for cleaning, maintaining, operating, or emptying the equipment or technology at any step of the sanitation
chain. Sanitation workers were exposed to a number of environmental and occupational hazards leading to
musculoskeletal disorders, exposure to harmful gases, respiratory problems, headache, dermatological problem,
gastrointestinal and leptospirosis during work. Keeping the above facts in view, the researcher took up the task
to assess the knowledge of sanitary workers
Objectives of the Study:
1. To assess the knowledge on prevention of health hazards among selected sanitary workers.
2. To implement and evaluate the planned video assisted health educational programme.
3. To find the association between the knowledge with their selected demographic variables.
The research hypothesis of this study was formulated to test the association between knowledge of sanitary
workers regarding the prevention of selected occupational health hazards and their demographic variables.
The review of literature was done and organized under following headings. Studies related to health hazards
among sanitary workers, effectiveness of planned video assisted health educational programme in general and
knowledge of sanitary workers. The conceptual frame work for this study was based on Lewin and Becker’s
health belief model.
Methodology: Research approach used for this study was quasi experimental approach. One group pretest –
post research design was used for this study. 100 sanitary workers at Kalaburagi City Corporation were samples

of this study. Simple random sampling technique was used. A questionnaire was developed and used for data
collection. The data collection procedure was held in three phases. In the first phase, knowledge on prevention
of occupational health hazards was assessed. During the second phase, The Planned video assisted health
educational program was administered to the same group with same structured interview was taken after 8
days of the Planned video assisted health educational programme has two sections:
Results: In the results of the study, major findings indicated that the Planned video assisted health educational
programme on sanitary workers was found to be very effective method of improving the knowledge regarding
health hazards and its prevention. The data were analyzed and interpreted in terms of objectives formulated.
Overall. That majority 98% of the sanitary workers had inadequate knowledge and remaining 2% had moderate
knowledge in the pretest. After administration of planned video assisted health educational programme majority
46% of the subjects had adequate knowledge, and 54% had moderate knowledge regarding prevention of
health hazards in the post test. “t” value 40.378 is greater than the table value both at 0.01 level of significance.
Therefore, “t” value is found to be significant. Inferred that there is no significant association between knowledge
level of the sanitary workers and selected variables; analyzed by Chi-square test.

Author Biography

  • Sudhakar

    Lecturer, Dept of Community Health Nursing, Nitte Usha Institute of Nursing Sciences, Deralakatte Mangalore.


