Empowering the Adolescent Girls: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Sex Education among Adolescent Girls in Selected Rural Areas of Bijnor, UP
Sex education, Effect, Adolescents, Structured Teaching Programme.Abstract
Background: Adolescent girls in rural areas often lack access to comprehensive sex education, leading to poor
reproductive health outcomes.
Objectives of the Study: 1. To assess the pretest and post test knowledge of experimental group and control
group regarding sex education among adolescent girls. 2. To compare the pretest and post test knowledge of
experimental group and control group regarding sex education among adolescent girls. 3. To compare the post
test knowledge of experimental group and control group regarding sex education among adolescent girls.4.To
find out the association between knowledge of experimental group with selected demographic variables.
Hypothesis: 1. There is significant difference between pretest and post test knowledge of experimental group
of adolescent girls. 2. There is significant difference between the post test knowledge of experimental and
control group. 3. There is significant association between the level of knowledge regarding sex education with
selected socio demographic variables.
Methods: The research approach adopted for the study was evaluative and educative approach. The research
design adopted for this study was experimental design Sample: 60 adolescent girls selected from different rural
areas of Bijnor.
Results: The result of this study shows that pre test knowledge of sex education in the experimental group
20.40 (51%) of the adolescence were having the knowledge of sex education. In he control group 19.80
(49.50%) of adolescents were having the knowledge of sex education. Post test knowledge of adolescents in
the experimental group is 34.40 (86%) and in the control group only 21.72 (54.30%) of the adolescents were
having the knowledge of sex education.Hence comparison in pretest and post test percentage of sex education
knowledge of the experimental group of adolescents were having 35%difference during assessment whereas in
the control group 4.80% of the adolescents were having difference between pretest and post test assessment. In
the experimental group, the difference among adolescents betweenpretest and post test knowledge is significant
and statically significant was tested by paired ‘t’ test (p<0.001). There is a significant association between post
test knowledge score in the experimental group and in the demographic data like mothers education, age of
menarche, source of information of the adolescents