Effectiveness of Simulation Based Teaching Regarding Learning Disabilities of Primary School Children among Primary School Teachers of Selected Schools at Alappuzha District Kerala


  • Divyasree R
  • Devimaya R




Learning Disability, Knowledge, school teachers, disability children.


Learning disabilities are a significant concern for primary school children, affecting their academic performance,
social interactions, and emotional wellbeing . As there are no specific test to identify children with learning
disability, health professionals have to rely mainly on teacher’s report for its diagnosis. Previous studies have
proved that teacher’s towards such children have great influence towards their recovery.
Objectives: 1. To design and develop simulation based teaching modules for primary school children with learning
disability. 2. To assess the effectiveness of SBT In improving learning outcomes for primary school children with
learning difficulties. 3. To identify the challenges and limitations of implementing SBT In primary school settings .
Methodology: Study design: Quasi experimental design with pre and post intervention assessments. Sample;
60 primary school teachers from 5 different schools .
Results: The finding of the experimental group of teachers pre test knowledge and mean score was 16.6 (41.50%)
and level of knowledge was inadequate. In post test knowledge score was 33.3 (83.25%). Now the level of
knowledge was adequate in experimental group. Similarly in the control group pretest knowledge mean score
was 17.2 (43.00%) and post test knowledge mean score was 19.1 (47.75%). In the comparison of experimental
group and control group. In the pretest there is no significance difference between the experimental and control
group but after self instruction module it is observed significant difference between experimental and control
group. Teachers gained knowledge above 41.75% more knowledge on learning disabilities after administration
of self instruction module. This 41.75% of knowledge gain is the net benefit of this study which indicates the
effectiveness of self instructional module learning disabilities in experimental group than control groups.

Author Biographies

  • Divyasree R

    Professor Dept. of MSN, Vivek University, Bijnor

  • Devimaya R

    Professor Dept OBG, Vivek University, Bijnor


